Are you in the market for a high-quality leather bag that's crafted in America and built to last? Look no further than Frank Clegg. As a family-owned business for over 50 years, we take great pride in crafting exceptional leather bags that prioritize quality, craftsmanship, and dedication to excellence, all while prioritizing quality and ethical production.
At Frank Clegg, we put quality first. Unlike many other leather bag makers, we prioritize quality over quantity. We have our own workshop located in Fall River, Massachusetts, where we design and create our bags using only the finest European leather, specially tanned for us. By having complete control over every aspect of the bag-making process, we ensure that each and every bag meets our rigorous standards for quality.
Our team of skilled craftsmen takes great pride in their work, crafting each bag with intention and skill, using techniques that have been passed down through the generations. The result is a bag that is designed to last, with every stitch and every detail executed to perfection.
We're also committed to sustainability, partnering with a tannery certified by the Leather Working Group, the leading organization for sustainable environmental practices in the leather industry, to ensure transparency in the sourcing and tanning of our leathers. We operate with little waste and minimize our impact on the environment. When you choose a Frank Clegg leather bag, you're not just getting a high-quality product, but you're also supporting a company that cares about the world we live in.
So whether you're in the market for a briefcase, a duffle bag, or a classic tote, consider choosing Frank Clegg for your next leather bag. With a wide range of options to choose from, you can be confident that you're getting a truly exceptional product that's been made with care and attention to detail.